Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 11 defaultdefaultdefaultdefault Welcome!Hi and thank you for reaching out to us regarding your need for a website. Please go read through our questionnaire and answer them the best you can. If you have any questions we'll be happy to assist.Let's Start! General InformationFull Name?(ie. John Doe or Jane Doe)Email Address?(ie. Number(ie. 1-800-800-8000)Next Business Questions...Business Name(ie. Company, Inc.)How large is your organization?(Please select one of the options below)Fortune 500100+ EmployeesSmall BusinessStartup BusinessFreelance Business Address(ie. 1234 Address, City, State, Zipcode)What Services Do You Offer?Who are your desired customers?(ie. age, occupation, type of business, revenues/income level, purchasing habits)What are the top reasons someone would come to you for your product/services? (ie. what do your customers say differentiates you from your competitors?)What is the ideal image and style you would like your company to portray to your target audience?< PreviousNext > Website Questions...*Desired Website Link?ex. http://www.companyname.comWhat services interest you?Corporate BrandingeCommerceEmail MarketingGraphic DesignLogo DesignWeb MaintenancePrint DesignSSLTechnical SupportWeb DesignWeb HostingWhen people visit your site, what action or process would you want them do? Fill Out A FormPurchase a productObtaining prospect contact dataInformationalInteractive/SocialDo you have any particular design preferences?ex. color pallete, style – modern, simple, ornate, classic, old-fashionedTell us more about any specific features you are looking for:Content Management SystemDynamic formsE-commercePhoto/video galleryCreative animationForum and/or social integrationUser-generated content (ex. photo/video/story sharing)Blog?Do you have existing social media platforms to be incorporated to your site?BehanceFacebookGoogle+InstagramLinkedInPinterestTwitterTumblrYoutubeWhat specific services, products and information do you wish to highlight on the new website?What keywords (for search engines) do you want to include in the website? Terms specific to your services that people would type into google Please provide the following if you have a current website domain & hosting plan set:(a) Hosting Company, (b) Administrative and Technical Contacts [name and contact info], (c) FTP Address, (d) Username, and (e) Password. If you do not know this information or if you do not have a hosting plan, please enter N/A into the field below.Do you have a Google Analytics account?YesNoHow is your organization’s email configured? Is it tied to your web hosting/domain?This is critical for launch planningDo you already have text written for the website or do you need us to help you develop it?Yes (No Assistance Needed)No (I need assistance)Do you have high-resolution photographs or video to incorporate or do you need assistance with this?If you already have a photographer or videographer, we will need their contact information for art directionYesNoWhat are the effective marketing initiatives you have done prior to having a website?specific advertisements, post mailings, website landing pages, email campaigns, social media marketing, etc. What websites (not necessarily industry-specific) and brands appeal you?If you say this specific website(s) online, you would like to look like them.Who are your compeditors? Example: MadCats, Inc. (; Depidesign ( give us some idea of your budget, if determined.A range or a ‘not to exceed’ amount can be extremely helpful at this stage of project scope planning to either confirm or rule out that we are the right firm to meet your needs.What is your desired launch timeline?When would you like to your website to be online for the public to be seen?< PreviousNext > Your Done!!!Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Please give us up to 48 hours to review your answers and provide you with a quote. If you have any questions, suggestions and/or concerns please contact us @ 910.920.0274 or support@depidesign.comComplete Powered by NEX-Forms